Author name: Majella Colhoun

There Are Always Options

People often tell me “I can’t do it”. – “It” being the very things they want to do. I hear something very different..when I hear the words “Can’t”, what I hear is “I can do the process of not doing”! Now this is super important: This means that something inside or outside themselves stops them […]

There Are Always Options Read More »

The Personal Path to Prosperity

Stop blaming money. Money is not the problem. Money is just an Amplifier. It’s your mindset that needs to change. Let me explain… From 15 years of coaching and training people in business and personal development I’ve realised that people see money differently and there are (at least) 5 levels to the journey of money.

The Personal Path to Prosperity Read More »

It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are

You insecurity and uncertainty comes from your lack of clarity about your future. ⠀⠀It’s not rocket science ?⠀⠀❌ The Problem is not that you have taken the wrong path to a better future⠀⠀❌ The Problem is not that you are indecisive⠀⠀❌ The Problem is not that you are procrastinating and delaying getting started⠀⠀❌ The Problem

It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are Read More »

Everything in life starts with your mindset first and your actions second

She whispered : “I’m not ready yet, do you understand me?”⠀I said “yes, I understand. You are waiting for something to happen first. A message, a sign, the right signal, so that you can feel it in your gut, and then you know you will be ready”⠀⠀“Exactly”, she said to me. ⠀⠀“but, how do you

Everything in life starts with your mindset first and your actions second Read More »

Don’t take the easy path

Have you ever been handed a Herculean Task only to cry “why me?”⠀⠀Take a flash back to 2003 and my first Personal Development training – an event I knew nothing about except a close friend who said “Just do it”.⠀⠀It was at a pivotal moment In my life. Burnt out. I was an emotional rollercoaster.

Don’t take the easy path Read More »

“It’s not about making the right decision. It’s about making the decision right.”

A lot of people including myself are hitting indecision points. A lot has changed for all of us. I have gone through a massive amount of change too recently. In the comfort of my own mind I thought it was perhaps because I has just reached a new peak on the mountain and realised the

“It’s not about making the right decision. It’s about making the decision right.” Read More »