
The most self-transforming week of my life! The training has dramatically accelerated all areas of my life and still continues to do so. Not only is Micheal’s training style personal, engaging and humorous his genuine passion for development is infectious.

Ryan Renfrew

My greatest achievement this week was getting 100% in the test. Aim for 100% and make it achievable. Personally that was a massive mind shift. Excellent Training.

Mandy Reid

To see Micheal in action is to see one of Europe’s finest trainers and therapists. He is an amazing teacher because he makes the material so easy to understand and utilise. He is a superb presenter and a gifted storyteller, which makes his trainings so much fun! Above all he is a special person with a mission to transform the world and to enable everyone to be as happy and healthy as they would wish themselves.

Judy Bentley

Intense, exhilarating and inspiring are the best three words to describe the 7 day experience that was the Practitioner course in NLP! This week will be etched in my mind for a long time, bringing a very positive frame of mind into all my future endeavours.

Margaret Harrington

I can totally recommend Tranceforming People’s NLP Training. Micheal Colhoun is a very personable and effective trainer who is really passionate about ensuring that everyone learns and reaps the benefits of NLP. I know that this course will transform me and my business.

Ian Walton

The Practitioner Training with Micheal Colhoun was the best training I’ve attended in the last 20 years, uplifts every aspect of my work and life immediately.

Esther Moser

I am just home from the 7 day accelerated NLP Training by Micheal at Transforming people Academy. I had the most enlightening experience. I learned so many valuable tools to use in my personal as well as my professional life all delivered in a fantastic teaching style. I highly recommend this course for anyone looking for change. Thank you.

Mark Gibney

I found the week have me real insights and understands to my personal life that I can immediately apply to my daily life. This course came at exactly the right time to take stock and develop a new mindset. I highly recommend training with Micheal.

Andrew Cuthbert

A whale stuck in a well. That was me before the 7 days NLP Practitioner training. So much potential but not knowing what to do or how to use it.

The NLP Practitioner training was my explosion of realisation of the potential within me and the changes I can make to my own life to make it better and brighter. Definitely one of the best investments I have made so far in life.

Gerard Brennan

This is the simply the best training I have been involved in. Is has taken my understanding of transformation to higher levels and given me tools to help create deep change in people. I have no doubt my business will be taken to another level by attending this training

Vinty Firth

This training was so enlightening. I am taking away actual techniques that I am 100% sure work and so much that will be of use in day to day life too.


Transforming People Academy’s NLP Practitioner Training is totally life-changing. My whole thinking has flipped over and I’ve taken control of my life, decisions and goals. This training is invaluable, necessary and transformational.


The 7 Day NLP Practitioner Certification is simply Transformational! As an already established coach, I found the course invaluable and cannot wait to use the teachings in my own business


I have literally spent hundred of pounds on Hypnosis CDs and tapes over the last few years, trying to get more energy. I never believed it could be so easy!

Stephen Murphy

Time Line Therapy® is a truly a really powerful tool for taking back control of your emotions. As the training progressed we could literally see people transform before our very eyes. Wow!

Julie Silfverberg

Micheal’s presentation skills, focus, delivery, sense of fun, and infectious enthusiasm for the subject made this the most worthwhile and value for money training that I have undertaken. The investment of time and money is insignificant when compared with the gains and value of doing this training.

My recommendation – just do it!

Bernard Carroll