
What is The Valley of Despair Explained

As we go through life stuff happens! We get to a point on our journey when we experience some painful event. This isn’t necessarily a trauma it’s something painful. One of the greatest reasons people have painful experiences is because their understanding of the world is not accurate. Their model of the world is not …

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Does Money Change You?

Does Money Change You? Maybe but I have a different theory. Instead of asking if money changes you, ask yourself this question instead: When you consider someone who has excessive wealth, how do you react to this person? Do you look up or look down? Do you praise or shame. Do you want to amplify …

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Where is your Ambition?

I saw this post today and couldn’t have put it better myself, this is so sad because it’s so true. Read and ask yourself – Where is your ambition? Go find yours! “Most people die at 25, but we don’t get around to burying them until they’re 75. What do we mean by that? By …

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Can you separate who you are from how you feel?

The greatest gift I learned from Coaching and Personal Development was the ability the recognise that we are not our emotions. When something unexpected happens we react, we feel emotional. Anger. Hurt. Fear. Sadness. Guilt. Anxiety. However, our emotional response is not just from that experience. It’s also the response from every similar experience that …

Can you separate who you are from how you feel? Read More »