“It’s not about making the right decision. It’s about making the decision right.”

A lot of people including myself are hitting indecision points. A lot has changed for all of us. I have gone through a massive amount of change too recently.

In the comfort of my own mind I thought it was perhaps because I has just reached a new peak on the mountain and realised the long term climb was much, much higher than expected and I just needed a new strategy. The truth be known is that I’m thinking bigger because I feel more supported than I ever have before so I feel ready to take a bigger leap of faith.

That’s scary. Really scary ? and exciting ??

And so I find myself projecting onto others. Should we change the name of one if our programmes or not? Should we change the logo. I get caught up in debating the micro decisions instead of focussing on the macro. The big picture. The details will sort themselves out.

Then this quote came to mind. “It’s not about making the right decision. It’s about making the decision right.”

It changed something inside of me. So, what does it mean for me? Just move. Take action. Move forward. I have given up on getting things right. Some People will throw dirt anyways. Some people will hate anyways. But the people who matter will support you. They will recognise the journey. Because it’s their journey too.

I’m not there yet. I hit a block most every day. It Sucks some time. Never mind. I Make it right. The secret: Find some amazingly positive people to surround yourself with and walk bravely into the unknown.

Believe me. No one knows the answers. They just look like they do.

Make it right.

#mindset #success #motivation #believe #nlp #focus #mission #money #inspiration #action #entrepreneur #goals #ambition #takeaction #passion #coaching #academyfour #change #keepgoing