Month: December 2017

Love, Light and Happiness

When you stop listening to your excuses and you commit ?% to your vision and passion and at the same time have absolutely no expectation for any outcome whatsoever apart from wanting to serve people to the best of your ability then Miracles happen. . This is a public declaration. Thank you universe for supporting …

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Day One of our NLP Master Practitioner Certification Training

Today is Day one of our NLP Master Practitioner Certification Training. Lots of review material to get into the swing of things before we deep dive into the heavy stuff… Quantum Linguistics & Quantum Physics. This is my favourite part of the course – Chaos Theory, Mandelbrot fractal geometry made easy and Bifurcation points. Powerful …

Day One of our NLP Master Practitioner Certification Training Read More »

First week of our NLP Master Practitioner Certification Training

First week of our NLP Master Practitioner Certification training starts tomorrow. Room all setup and ready to go. This is our last event of the year and it has been a phenomenal year. We ran 12 meetup events on topics from the very basics on our Introduction to NLP,  Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking, …

First week of our NLP Master Practitioner Certification Training Read More »

We Start 8 Days of Deep Dive Training

Tobar Mhuire Conference and retreat centre. Tomorrow we start 8 days of deep dive training into creating amazing inspiring leaders #leadership #motivation #belfast #leadershiptips #focus #magic #transformation #newwavenlp #words

Will You Be My Lemon?

Have anyone ever asked you to be their Lemon? A mate of mine whom I worked with would ask me ever so often if I could be his Lemon. I would say “sure” and he would ask me some questions and usually before I got to answer he would have solved his issue. I asked …

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5 Key Aspects to Inspiring Leadership

Gave the most amazing talk on the 5 Key Aspects to Inspiring Leadership and found out after that I forgot to press record on the video camera. Unbelievable 😱 I did get audio though so expect a webinar style audio with visuals soon.  I need a @drock ! .😎👏👏🙌 #camera #avguy #video #photography #av

Be Prepared

Today is a good day to Prep for the week ahead. Repeat this mantra every day. Do you know how to banish anxiety ? Have a strategy for every scenario. Why do world class experts seem so confident ? Because they have encountered every scenario a thousand times. When you are starting off on your …

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