Author name: Majella Colhoun

Life sucks vs Life is a Wonderland: 2 view of the world through different eyes

Life sucks vs Life is a Wonderland: 2 view of the world through different eyes. Most people are in a heightened state of anxiety at the moment. Not just because of lockdown. Not just because of social isolation Not just because of working from home. Not just because they’re not getting to the gym. Not

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Does Money Change You?

Does Money Change You? Maybe but I have a different theory. Instead of asking if money changes you, ask yourself this question instead: When you consider someone who has excessive wealth, how do you react to this person? Do you look up or look down? Do you praise or shame. Do you want to amplify

Does Money Change You? Read More »

Determination Isn’t Everything

Determination isn’t everything. Just because your are determined, doesn’t mean you can. What you needs is alignment. You needs to be aligned with the long term outcome , direction and mission of your future you. Without this you may only be reacting out of fear. It’s not sustainable. When you get alignment with your outcome

Determination Isn’t Everything Read More »