Life sucks vs Life is a Wonderland: 2 view of the world through different eyes

Life sucks vs Life is a Wonderland: 2 view of the world through different eyes.

Most people are in a heightened state of anxiety at the moment.

Not just because of lockdown.

Not just because of social isolation

Not just because of working from home.

Not just because they’re not getting to the gym.

Not just because you’re putting on weight.

Not just because of the news.

Not just because of homeschooling.

Not just because business is in trouble.

Not just because you don’t have a job.

People are stressed because they can’t see the future.

You have no certainty and are not in control of your destiny. This is why you are stressed.

It’s your perspective that has to change.

It’s what’s going on inside your head that has to change.

And what’s going on inside your head is influenced by what you see, hear and experience. A subjective existence. Your world.

It’s a mindset issue.

Upgrade your mindset, upgrade your thinking, upgrade your world

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Now, put down that phone, get off social media and go for a walk. Right now. Do it.

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