Author name: micheal

The Real Secret in Learning new Skills is to Make a Plan

Many people are experiencing uncertainty about their job! There are friends of mine who are software developers, scientists, engineers and they work for small to medium-sized companies. They’re really worried about their future as the result of the pandemic. Is my company going to downsize? Am I going to be made redundant? Will I use

The Real Secret in Learning new Skills is to Make a Plan Read More »

Understanding NLP Strategies

NLP strategies is how do you what you do, both internally in your thinking and externally in your behaviour. You take individual discrete unconscious reactions and behaviours, called a T.O.T.E. – A “Test-Operate-Test Exit” behaviour and chain them together into a string of reactions or behaviours which we call a strategy. This is not to

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Change Your Mind with NLP

The Tools and Techniques of NLP are all outcome focused. This is a major reason why NLP helps people get better results. You begin with the outcome that you want then work backwards to figure out how to get there. Stephen Covey captured this best with one of his seven habits: “Begin with the end

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I’m a perfectionist…

“I’m a perfectionist”. “I need to get it just right”. “It needs to be perfect”. This is one of the biggest reasons behind entrepreneurs lack of progress. We hide behind perfection as an excuse to not getting started. The reality is that nothing is ever perfect – it’s only fit for purpose. The question isn’t

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