When you plan around money you become focused on what you can achieve in the future

Having a plan with money doesn’t just help you right now, it also gives you vision and hope for the end goal. Most people focus on the past. Others focus on a negative future. There is another option: Focus on today’s plan. I like money plans because when you hold money in your hand it

When you plan around money you become focused on what you can achieve in the future Read More »

Nobody is perfect, but everyone has to potential to master their destiny

Look. Nobody is perfect, but everyone has to potential to master their destiny. Here are simple rules for you to follow if it helps. 1. Fundamental truths are hard to find2. Your opponent is probably right at least 50%3. Order arises from chaos and vice versa4. Nature abhors a vacuum5. Lean into what you don’t

Nobody is perfect, but everyone has to potential to master their destiny Read More »

The Emotional Complexity

When you get stuck, don’t believe in your doubts. Instead, doubt your beliefs. Most people will try to solve a problem based on a series of false assumptions on how their world works. Most likely they will fail. ⠀⠀What you have to do to solve the unsolvable is to evolving your thinking into a model

The Emotional Complexity Read More »

Mission vs Goals

Mission vs Goals. I don’t sit down and work out my goals any more. There is no point. It’s too short term. Instead I review my mission. Then the goals appear without effort. When I created the Leveraged Legacy Action Plan, I wanted to move people away from just setting goals that they never achieve

Mission vs Goals Read More »

You need to find a market first, or more specifically, you need to find a gap in the market

Just because you love something, don’t expect you can turn it into a success business. This is the biggest mistake I see new coaches and therapists making when you assume that if you do something that you love, that your first ever business will be successful. ⠀⠀Truth is that you needs to find a market

You need to find a market first, or more specifically, you need to find a gap in the market Read More »