You need to find a market first, or more specifically, you need to find a gap in the market

Just because you love something, don’t expect you can turn it into a success business. This is the biggest mistake I see new coaches and therapists making when you assume that if you do something that you love, that your first ever business will be successful. ⠀

Truth is that you needs to find a market first, or more specifically, you need to find a gap in the market. But this is only step 1 of a 2-step process. ⠀

Over the past 20 years I’ve created over 14 brands such as , YMS Fitness, Zumba Down, Bold Fitness, Bold Coaching, No Friction Software, Yogi-Mind, Tweetstand, Sterling Logic, 7 day NLP, Orbsen Technologies, ColhounTech, CT Studio, Academy 4 Life Long Learning, The Enigma Program, The Success Coach Program and Transforming People Academy, and many many more. ⠀

Some have been very successful, most have not, but the one lesson I’ve learned is that you need to have an audience for what you are selling before you begin, or more specifically, you need to find a market in the gap. Step 2⠀

It’s isn’t just good enough to do something you love, it needs to solve a problem people and there much be enough people looking to solve this problem that you can take a slice of that market. ⠀

Once you have established that there is gap in the market and also a market in the gap, the you have a real shot. Then you can ask the question: Do you love what you do? ⠀

If the answer is yes, you will win. ⠀

#mission #money #fourAcademy #inspiration #focus #goals #ambition #takeaction #change #coaching #positive #nlp #successmindset #success #ambition #coach #mindbodysoul #mindbodyspirit #yogainspiration #nlpcoach #eft #efttapping #havening #hypnotherapy