How to Prepare for the NLP Practitioner Course

To prepare for your NLP Practitioner Course you begin by listening to the Home Study Programme. You can skim the home study program and just turn up at the training and you will still be able to do really well. However, I promise you the more work you do in the home study prior to the live training the less overloaded you will be. When you turn up to the live training you still will have the same experience in terms of getting amazing outcomes, you will experience transformation and you’ll see change happening very quickly but it won’t make sense to you as much if you haven’t done the home study. The Home Study you could say it’s optional it’s not that it’s optional it’s just easier if you actually go through the home study and the home study is a commitment of about 40 hours over the next five weeks.

I am going to show you how you don’t have to spend 40 hours consciously working on the home study by hooking in different different things during the day so you can learn a lot unconsciously. Your commitment is to make time and space for the conscious learning. I am going to show you how easy that is so you are well prepared.

The reason we have Home Study is because we want everyone attending the training coming in at the same level. We want everybody to come in knowing about the foundational principles. I don’t expect you to know it all but I do expect you to be familiar with some of the concepts to ask for further clarification and explanations. As you are already familiar with the topic from the Home Study Programme.

I would also suggest some reading materials too. ‘The Pillars of Transformation’ written by me and the Time Line Therapy are great starting points. Some people have difficulty reading and if you do then you can just skim the books. If you love reading I strongly suggest you go through these books in details.

When you go through the home study and if you have questions you can contact us through our private messaging platform and we can reply pretty much straight away.

We expect you’ll spend between five and ten hours typically reading books, reviewing materials replying to messages asking messages maybe doing some uh some other research um reviewing some of the material that’s on our website okay so that probably could take about 10 hours over the next five weeks.

There is an open book test. This is required for certification. This could take about five hours to do the test and then about five hours of re-correcting the test to achieve 100% pass mark. Our standard is very high. Everyone who has completed our certified training with us has got 100% in the test. We help you to achieve this is using the NLP Easy Learning Toolkit.

We aim for excellence! We want you to aim to be really good at what you’re doing! When you leave this 4 day training you know this material. You know you’ve earned your stripes to become a Certified NLP Practitioner and you know that you can make a difference in the world!

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