What is NLP Anyway?

NLP is the most fundamental of recent advances in human psychology in creating value for people by helping them to achieve their goals and to be more successful.

Becoming highly trained as a Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming will give you invaluable knowledge and skill on how the human mind works. We call it the user manual for the mind.

How would you like to attend a training course that not only gave you the skills and abilities to understand and utilize the human mind, but also the skills to access all the other material you have learned your whole life that you thought you had forgotten? I equate an NLP practitioner training to learning how to drive the vehicle that is your unconscious mind. By the time you leave the training room, all the skills and abilities are understood, installed and practiced and you know that they can create profound results for you and the people around you.

This gives you the ability to communicate better with people, and to build a very deep level of understanding and rapport with anyone you choose. You develop the abilities to ask questions that dig deep behind the surface structure of the utterances we make every day, and discover the deep structure behind our thoughts and behaviours. You learn valuable skills to negotiate problems, and solve them. You learn new techniques to create change, and be more creative in your thinking. We even give you the strategy for lateral thinking, which is perfect for brainstorming workshops.

Let me give you a direct experience of how NLP can assist you today. Think about a goal or an outcome that you set yourself in the past that for some reason eluded you. What are the Reasons or excuses that you gave yourself for not accomplishing it. I remember the reason I gave myself: ‘I can’t do it’.

I want you to fully consider your reason, and then ask yourself when you decided this. In my case it was a situation where I tried to do something big, and I was disappointed, so decided that I couldn’t do it. I literally convinced myself I was unable to do something then spent the rest of my time proving to myself this was the truth. I then ran this pattern of ‘I can’t do it’ in nearly every aspect of my life for years, and I started limiting myself. The fact is that I could do it, but because I was disappointed in the past, I didn’t want to leave my comfort zone, and take the chance of being disappointed again, so I would just give myself the excuse that ‘I can’t do it’, and it wasn’t true!

Here is the fact: ALL of our excuses are not true!

What nlp will assist you in doing, is discovering the excuses and reasons that
you give yourself in not achieving what you want, and then using the tools and techniques of NLP to totally blow away these problems.

So, make the right decision today, and tap in to more of your true potential, find out the excuses and reasons for why you haven’t yet achieved your ultimate goals and realised your ambitions. And start doing what you want to do, start being who you want to be, and start having what you want to have. Don’t wait any longer to realize your true potential.

How long have you held onto your excuses and reasons? Isn’t it time to let them go?