Next Wednesday at 7pm. I’ll be speaking in the Europa in Belfast. I’m going to be demonstrating a bunch of techniques that create pervasive and long lasting change so that you can create more of what you want and less of what you don’t want. Let me give you an example.
Have you ever noticed that you do the same behaviour or habit over and over again but you don’t know why? That’s called a strategy and it’s a repeating chunk of behaviour that has been programmed into you by your life experience.
I’m going to unlock that strategy and show you how to stop it! It might be getting anxious as you go through a green traffic light as it turns orange, or before you present to your manager or client. It might be nail biting or scratching at that piece of skin or getting jumpy knee when you get frustrated.
These are all examples of a piece of a behaviour that runs every time you are presented with a certain situation or trigger moment. But it goes much deeper than that. These strategies also create the bigger issues in our life, like missing that promotion again, or losing that sale, or failure in your startup, or selling out on your dreams. Understand your strategies for failure and success gives you the critical differentiator in business. Join us at the Europa on Wednesday at 7pm. We are holding your seat.