She whispered : “I’m not ready yet, do you understand me?”
I said “yes, I understand. You are waiting for something to happen first. A message, a sign, the right signal, so that you can feel it in your gut, and then you know you will be ready”⠀
“Exactly”, she said to me. ⠀
“but, how do you know?”⠀
“Because, I have have walked that path. I waited and agonised, but I never pulled the trigger. I never took the first step, I wasn’t ready”⠀
“But then it happened. It was all taken away from me. A cruel joke of the universe perhaps, but I wasn’t laughing”.⠀
And in that moment, I said, I wished, “Why didn’t I start years ago”⠀
The Universe responded: “Because, You said you weren’t ready”⠀
“Are you ready now?”⠀
“Yes”, I said. ⠀
Something inside me changed in that moment. I became focussed on making it happen.⠀
“Good. then Jump!”, the Universe said.⠀
I jumped, and I got there, but it wasn’t easy. I only wished I had jumped before.⠀
and then I realise that I wasn’t ready because I didn’t commit.⠀
Are you ready or are you waiting for it to be taken away from you?⠀
Believe in yourself. ⠀
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