No man is an island. When you are ambitious and a self starter, it’s easy to decide that it’s faster to do things yourself instead of giving it to someone else. This is a fallacy and is the reason so many coaches, therapists and yoga teachers get stuck in low five figure businesses. The reality is that when two or more minds work together, the synergy that it creates is greater than the sum of the parts. Every time I tried to do it alone, I either got bored or burnt out. Finally I started to lean on other specialists, mentors and industry experts, to share my story and learn from Theirs. What I learned is that I found new expert skills in the gaps between my own and theirs. Skills that I never realised I had.
You can do the same.
Liaise with experts from other industries and other markets. Reach out, try new things. Isn’t that the basis of win-win. Share what you know with people of influence. You will find amazing opportunities. Everyone wins.
Believe in yourself.
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