When you set out to achieve something, there are only ever 2 outcomes. You either get the results you are looking for or you get the reasons why you didn’t get your results.
We all have our reasons for why we’re not there yet. For some people the reason is not enough opportunities, for other people it’s that I live in the wrong place, for other people again it’s that I don’t have the money or I don’t have the time, for some it’s that I’m old school, or too old to learn technology, for others it’s because… well just fill in the blanks.
Any and all of these reasons are just that. They are excuses for why you didn’t get your results.
One of the biggest learnings I got from discovering NLP is that you can’t bring your excuses to the bank. You have to take responsibility for the results and you have to do whatever it takes to create the results you want, to create the life you want, to create Success.
It’s nobody else’s fault -it’s ? up to you.
What would your Life be like if you stop believing your reasons you start focusing on your results?
Could it change your life? It changed mine.
Believe in yourself.
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