Most eloquently put by @garyvee. I got a first class honours in Physics in my degree. It wasn’t until after that I realised that most of the education I had gotten taught me nothing about life. To add to @garyvee – It’s 10 times harder to be a successful Entrepreneur than a successful Worker, but it’s worth it. To be a successful Worker a Person need to become lazy. They need to focus on just what the role is and nothing else. If you try to serve people to your highest standards as a worker, most other Workers will take advantage of you.
As a Manager you have a different set of problem. Mainly that you need to develop a risk averse attitude to be successful. Becoming a successful Entrepreneur takes a lot more skill on Planning and Execution than most people believe. It’s not easy – most people think you can slap Entrepreneur on your IG profile and you are an Entrepreneur. From my experience most so called Entrepreneur earn less than $10k pa. that’s not An Entrepreneur. That’s someone with a hobby. An Entrepreneur can be cultivated but for most it’s pure DNA. My 2 cents.
#mindset #success #believe #motivation #nlp #inspiration #entrepreneur #focus #selfmade #goals #ambition #takeaction #change #coaching #excellence #leadership #positive #dreambig #passion #successmindset #garyvee