First week of our NLP Master Practitioner Certification training starts tomorrow. Room all setup and ready to go. This is our last event of the year and it has been a phenomenal year. We ran 12 meetup events on topics from the very basics on our Introduction to NLP,
Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking, Magic in Action – NLP for health and self healing, Phobia interventions demonstrations on our first Master Class which we got glowing references and we introduced out new model for Impactful Leadership with our 5 Keys to Inspiring Leadership. We ran 2 NLP Practitioner Certification trainings, did an absolutely ton of amazing one on one work with individual clients and now we are about to embark on the holy grail of journeys – Quantum Linguistics and Conversational Change techniques.
These techniques are advanced communication and change language patterns that to this day totally blow my mind. I’m am eternally grateful to all my teachers for showing me the way and for their everlasting support on my journey. Thanks you.
The next week is a real challenge because I’d have set such high expectations for myself and the team. These students are about to embark on a journey to become the leaders of tomorrow. It is an honour to serve you. ?

#honour #amazing #impression #gratitude #honoured #thanks #seekers #lifelonglearning #service #understanding #intent #positivity #compassion #magic #learning #nlp #training #Hypnosis #newwavenlp