The Mission

This is a journey of gratitude and of thanks, for all that I have learned and all I have learned to do.

I have been very fortunate in my life to discover so many powerful tools and techniques that facilitate personal transformation. I take no credit for this as all credit goes to great teachers and my willingness to constantly seek out knowledge on the human psyche. Whatever the motivation for this Journey, I am here now, with a personal mission to Transform the World.

No doubt I will fail.

One of my teachers once told me that if you set your aims to be greater than you can ever achieve, then you will be motivated for life. That was over 10 year ago, and since then I have taken many detours and departed along other tracks, and never for a moment has this goal left my awareness.

A more plausible goal is to reach just one more person today. Perhaps you know someone who would benefit from a different perspective in life, in a better way of experiencing life? Maybe you can become a sign-poster? Point the way, and see what happens.

What are the tools and techniques that I have learned and now organise in a way that I can share? They are varied.

There is a core set I keep returning to. Let me touch on them by sharing my gratitude for these great teachers and influencers:

Carl Jung has had a profound influence on my life since college days. His concepts around the conscious, unconscious and collective consciousness is groundbreaking and influences so much of what I teach, and is the background behind the the Law of Consequences and the Law of Equivalence.

I am forever indebted to my teachers of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) for their breakthrough vision and systematic deconstruction of so many powerful models of therapy. These include but are not limited to Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Tad & Adriana James, David Shepard, Elco Wiseman, Jeremy Lazarus, Paul McKenna and Andy Harrington. All have had a profound influence on my life, probably more so than you realise.

To the people who influenced my teachers, I include Dr. Milton Erickson M.D. for giving us the Milton Model, Virginia Satir for her contribution to the Meta Model, Satir Categories and Family Therapy, Robert Dilts for his work on the neurological levels and the books he co-wrote with Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Gregory Bateson and Jay Haley for their contributions on Ecology and their influence on Erickson. Fritz Perls for his contributions on Gestalt Therapy, George Miller for his Magic Numbers, Karl Pribram and David Bohm for their insights on the model of a Holographic Universe. Michael Talbot for capturing the story so well. Don Beck and Christopher Cowan for the wonderful contributions through Spiral Dynamics and their discussions on Values and specifically, the Values Levels.

Of course, we would not have Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and NLP Anchoring without the contributions of Bill Twitmire and Ivan Pavlov. Isabel Myers and her mother Katharine Cook Briggs for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (based on the work of Carl Jung) and more recently Wyatt Woodsmall in the excellent condensed breakdown of the MPVI in the book Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality.

To the Esalen Institue, California and the original Human Potential Movement in c. 1964, without which I strongly believe Richard Bandler might never have formalised their teaching into Neuro Linguistic Programming.

To Caroline Myss for her excellent work on the Archetypes. She has really made Jung’s work her own. Especially, the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator — a great reference of where someone is on their journey.

To My Kundalini Yoga Teachers. I would not be here today if it were not for your advice and wisdom and the wonderful teaching of Kundalini Yoga — especially Esther Moser who was my first Teacher of Kundalini Yoga and continues to be to this day. To Darryl O’Keefe for the many great weekends of insight and inspiration in Co. Clare and at Ufton Court at our Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainings and at the White Tantra Festivals in France. To Guru Dharam Singh Khalsa for introducing me to Traditional Chinese Medicine and The Vedas, and for teaching me so much on our Kundalini Yoga Therapy Trainings in Sweden and Luxembourg. To Guru Rattana and the amazing YogaTech website of valuable resources on Kundalini Yoga. To Jackie who followed a similar path — they say Mushrooms grow in clumps! From the other Guru Dharam Singh Khalsa in the USA for the excellent book Meditation As Medicine. To Shiv Charan Singh, a true Living Master, for introducing me to Numerology and the Magic of the Numbers at talks in Archway, and to Guru Dev Singh Snr. for teaching me about the power of deep meditation and the healing modalities of Sat Nam Rasayan and the teachings of Baba Siri Chand. To the Master — Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi Bhajan for bringing all the secret teachings of Kundalini Yoga to the West and for sharing this valuable wisdom with the world.

To the many other influencers that I continue to gain insights from — Osho, Mooji, Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma). To Dr. Ryke Hammer for his phenomenal and controversial model on Natural Biological Programs. Dr Mecola for supporting this work and the work of so many other inspirational teachers. Dr. Peter Attia for inspiring me to explore the Ketogenic diet and Tim Ferris for introducing me to so many other amazing thought leaders through his podcast. And to all those who’s insights slip my awareness at this time.

To all the Physics, Electronics and Computer Science teachers that I have worked with over the years that taught me the value of repeatable results, of testing and of refinement, without which I would not have been able to filter out the noise from the signal so easily.

Finally, my family for supporting me, even in those days when none of this seem real.

So, What does the future hold? It was once said that if people knew even a fraction of the wealth of knowledge and insight that is referenced above, that the whole planet would evolve 500 years into the future in an instant. And yet, I know that so much of what I have learned will never be sharing with many, because of the rose tinted glasses which we wear and the dogma that we hold ourselves under. No doubt that over time, these teachings will become more widespread. So for now, I will finish with a quote from the film DeJa Vu..

What if you had a secret that could change the world but no-one would believe you? What would you do?
