As I look over all the unexpected “successes” I have had in my life, the difference that makes the difference has ALWAYS been my ability to take massive action and GO DO, even in the absence of total Knowledge. In 2005 I had 9 people signed up for my First NLP Practitioner training even before I had completed my training. As a freelance contractor, some of my most challenging and most rewarding contracts have been for contracts where I really didn’t know everything I needed to know before deciding. I had just enough information and a tremendous Gut feeling to go ahead. In fact my first taste of NLP was the same experience. I truly didn’t know what NLP was really about when I signed up for my NLP Practitioner training in 2003.
However, not everyone jumps in feet first like I did. We are all different. What I have observed over the years is that many many people have learnt the theory behind NLP and many of these have trained and become certified NLP Practitioners or Master Practitioners but left the training room and never put these exquisite leanings into practice. They get the big cosmic joke that NLP unveils for you about what you need to do differently, but for some reason you deny it. Maybe it just wasn’t your time. Maybe you were unlucky enough for your employer to pay for your Training so you weren’t heavily invested enough to really realise the power and Transformational benefits of this training. For whatever reason you didn’t step up.
Honestly. I think this is a loss. And today while talking to one of my students I realized this needs to change. During this conversation today a new concept was born.
NLP Clouds to Dirt. 4 day hands on NLP Deep dive refresher training. All Practice and 1-on-1 exercises. Minimal theory. Raise the bar on your standards. Gain the confidence to get the right results every time. Become the very best you can be. This training is for NLP Practitioner who want to get back in the game a make a real difference to Step up and stand out.
Like if you are keen to learn more.

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